About Dr. Larry Goodman
Dr. Larry Goodman, a Chiropractor, and skilled Kinesiologist, trained in Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition, and Psychology, has a track record of success that has made him a highly sought-after physician, specializing in Whole Person Health Care for over 30 years.
In addition to his clinical qualifications, Dr. Goodman has a Level II Certification in Neuro Emotional Technique (NET- www.netmindbody.com) and the Demartini Method (www.drjohndemartini.com ) as well as numerous other personal growth and empowerment techniques. The skillful integration of these techniques into his diverse clinical background has given birth to a unique style of Life Coaching that has become known as The Goodman Factor.
Today, Dr. Goodman’s approach, coupled with his years of professional and personal experience provides his patients and coaching clients with state-of-the-art Whole Person Health Care. He facilitates profound, personal change in a relaxed, comfortable setting, with the ultimate goal of helping people achieve mastery in all areas of life.

Chiropractic Center for Holistic Care
During, what those of us who were around then, called the "Mercedes 80's", I was blessed and cursed enough to build a thriving multi-doctor holistic practice called The Chiropractic Center for Holistic Care.
With all of the successes and stresses that went along with it. When managed care arrived on the scene (it was managed and they didn't care) the stress of attempting to practice with a model that was becoming a dinosaur took its toll on my life (in every aspect).
Eventually, my struggle led me on the journey that gave rise to all that I do and offer to you now.
So you see I am just like you — I have been there and I have done it, and I am here to help.
B.A. SUNY at Stonybrook - Physiological Psychology
D.C. New York Chiropractic College
M.S. University of Bridgeport - Clinical Nutrition
National Chiropractic College - Acupuncture Certification
The Goodman Factor
Since attending his first Breakthrough Experience in 1992 and his first NET seminar that same year, Dr. Larry Goodman has been studying, researching, writing, and teaching in the area of Human Behavior, Success, and Mind/Body Healing and Stress.
This has led him to acquire advanced training, certifications, and skills in many areas as well as contribute programs and protocols in NET and complete training and presentation of programs for continuing education programs in Chiropractic for state and national organizations as well as Chiropractic Colleges and Medical Schools.
The Goodman Factor finds the blocks we tell our own belief systems. I help you reconnect to your purpose in both business and in our personal lives. My various techniques and experience in our arsenal will take you from stuck to full awareness of your own personal being. It enables the member or 1 on 1 client to move from a place of feeling depressed, lost, uncertain, grieving over loss, anxiety, fear, resentment and any other emotions that are controlling your life and gain greater joy and purpose in your life.

About Martin Casado
In 2013, I had to take a stance on my own life’s callings to follow my bliss and I resigned. Two years later, overloaded with knowledge and little wisdom about my next direction in life, losing it all, the teacher appeared and I met Dr. Larry Goodman.
Martin Casado is an essential part of the team and has been with The Goodman Factor since the very beginning. As our marketing creative, manager, host and friendship with Dr. Goodman. Martin was a former client and he didn't even know what NET was until he met Dr. Goodman. It changed his life in so many ways.
Mentored by Dr. Goodman, over time, a friendship established and we started to work together and combine our strengths to deliver The Goodman Factor. With a book on the way, co-written with Dr. Goodman, video programs in the process and live seminars in the near future. We've worked together long and hard finding our part and experience in human behavior and changes in our own lives to help ourselves and in turn, we hope to inspire and help others along the way.